About us

Why do we do what we do? Alta Martes has been in the business for years. You may know him as a Microsoft 365 ICT specialist or from the enthusiastic content on his social media channels. “From my passion and expertise, I like to help people. So if I can also do that in this way -with ALTA-ICT secondment-, I am happy to do so. Because regularly I get the question if I can mediate an assignment to link people to a (new) client. We have now developed a nice platform for that. To match candidates and clients,” says Alta.

Without the intervention of a recruiter. But from expert to expert. Because we understand the market. The customer demand and the expertise then needed for that. Alta: “From my experience, I know what people are looking for and what technique is needed for that. I like to inspire and motivate talent to do where their passion lies. Because if I can do it, so can you.”

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From our passion and expertise, we bring exceptional ICT talent to the finest companies in the Netherlands. So are you looking for that one challenging ICT job or just an ICT specialist for your problem? We make the match! Because ALTA-ICT has been the expert in Microsoft 365 for years.