Looking for that one IT job with

Welcome to us! We are constantly on the hunt for new and sparkling talent, driven by an inexhaustible passion for ICT. Whether you are looking for a salaried, secondment or self-employed position, we are open to all forms of collaboration. If you feel you can make a unique contribution to our dynamic team, we would love to hear from you.

Would you please leave your details and tell us what makes your ICT heart beat faster? Are you passionate about software development, network management, data science, cybersecurity or something completely different within the vast ICT field? We all want to know! Tell us about your skills, experiences, passions and ambitions. We are eager to discover how you can enrich our team.

Once we receive your information, we will get to work finding the perfect match. But we do this in a unique way: without the interference of a recruiter. With us, your application will not be reviewed by someone far removed from your field. Instead, our own ICT experts look at your data, understand your passions and assess your skills. This means you will be reviewed by people who know your field inside out – from expert to expert.

We look forward to your application and can’t wait to hear what gets you excited about ICT. Are you ready to begin this exciting journey with us? Then click here to fill out an open application form. Let’s shape the future of ICT together.

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We bring exceptional ICT talent to the finest companies in the Netherlands. We do this from our passion and expertise. Because ALTA-ICT has been the expert in Microsoft 365 for years. So are you looking for that one challenging ICT job or just an ICT specialist for your problem? We make the match!
